Project: UVA Advanced Biomanufacturing Symposium
Type: Outreach and Education Activity
Partners: Center for Advanced Manufacturing at the University of Virginia (UVA), BioFabUSA, and the SCB Tissue Engineering Sector Working Group
On November 4–5, 2018, the 3rd Annual UVA Advanced Biomanufacturing Symposium brought together experts from industry, government, non-profits, and academia to discuss foundational research, technology development, and product commercialization needed to foster an advanced U.S. biomanufacturing industry. Over the course of the 2-day event, symposium speakers and panelists discussed ongoing research in biofabrication and cell manufacturing, government funding and regulatory considerations for biomanufactured tissues and organs, standards for evaluating biomanufactured cells and tissues, and clinical implementation of regenerative medicine products.
SCB helped to both identify speakers and organize a session on standards for manufacturing and imaging.
Planned Symposium Content: SCB participated in planning meetings and calls with the organizers and sponsors about symposium development and promotion.
Identified Session Speakers: SCB helped to identify speakers for a session related to standards for manufacturing and imaging; speakers included Carl Simon from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), who provided expertise on tissue engineered scaffolds. The session speakers outlined industrial standards and methods for evaluating biomanufactured cells and tissues (e.g., imaging and other biosensing techniques).
Held Symposium Session: Approximately 40 participants attended the SCB-organized session on standards for manufacturing and imaging. The session was well-received, with participants engaging with the panelists to ask questions and deepen the discussion. The need for standards was discussed throughout the symposium, and a common theme was that the community needs to work together to realize the benefits of standards.
Get Engaged:
For more information about the standards session at the Symposium, please contact SCB.