SCB’s Regenerative Medicine Standards Portal is a unique, interactive database of the current regenerative medicine standards landscape. You can customize searches to learn about the existing and in-development standards most relevant to your operations, as well as provide feedback on areas of standards need. The portal also offers at-a-glance summaries of updated information, one-click standard access, and more.
Join a Project Working Group
SCB’s project working groups are collaborative forums in which volunteers from the regenerative medicine community discuss and address standards needs. Learn more about how you can share your experience and expertise to help accelerate the availability of standards that help the industry innovate more rapidly.
Whether you’re new to standards or looking to educate others on the value of standards, SCB has developed a set of helpful resources:
Standards 101 better explains what standards are, why they are critical for the regenerative medicine community, and how to get involved in their development.
The Value of Standards succinctly summarizes how standards support regenerative medicine solutions and spur US economic growth.
Support SCB
Contribute in any amount to support SCB's efforts to coordinate accelerated standards advancement for the regenerative medicine community.
Making a larger donation to support a Focus Area will help us rally the community to address the most critical issues limiting progress in regenerative medicine.
Events may still be occurring virtually, in person, and/or as a hybrid model. Please check sponsor websites, included in SCB’s event listings, for the most up-to-date information.
Join a project working group
Help prioritize needed standards
Comment on open ballots